Step 1
03 Hemoglobin
component of RBC, carries O2
blue and red: globin chains--- date: 2021-03-20
03 Hemoglobin
green: heme, 4 in a hemoglobin
sickle cell: abnormal hemoglobin
porphyria: defects in enzymes making the porphyrin
RBC with BPG Mutase makes 2, 3 BPG
bad for red cells: sacrifices ATP (pyruvate normally used to make ATP)
Hemoglobin Binding
favored in tissues to release O2. T for tissues
relaxed form favored in lungs to pick up more O2
myoglobin: bind each O2 molecule equally, linear increase until plateau
hemoglobin: S shaped curve. Hard to bind first one and then speeds up
example of allosteric effect
Allosteric Effects
loses cooperativity
rest of Fe2 binds O2 with higher affinity, left shift curve
methylene blue reduces Fe3 to Fe2
vitamin C reduces Fe3 to 2
SOB from methemoblobinemia
interferes with pulse ox
normal amount of O2 in blood
functional hypoxia: enough O2 around but can't use them
inhibits cytochrome oxidase a3
Allosteric Effects
Step 1 Pulmonary
step 1 Pulmonary
Step 1
01 Pulmonary Anatomy
02 Pulmonary Physiology
03 Hemoglobin
04 Pulmonary Circulation
05 Hypoxia
06 Ventilation
07 CO2
08 Pulmonary Exam
09 PFT
10 Obstructive
11 Restrictive
12 COPD Treatment
13 Pneumonia
14 Pleural Disease
15 Lung Cancer
16 Sleep Apnea
17 Cystic Fibrosis
18 TB
19 Sarcoidosis
20 PE
21 Xray